Welcome To Animal Jam Clouds by Cryptide! Here you will find many updates and glitches and anything else you need to know! Comment often and keep it positive! Thanks! :)~Cryptide

Monday, September 03, 2012

Check Out This Blog!

Hey, Jammers! This is a really short post, but check out my friends' blog:


All of my followers please follow her blog! ;)

Saturday, September 01, 2012

Back To School Backpack

Hey, Jammers!

To remind us of school, (sadly) AJ has made the backpack. I like this item a lot! What do you think of it?

It is non-member and cost 400 gems. Sorry for not posting the updates yesterday, I was busy. 
My sister has made an Animal Jam blog, thanks to my suggestion. Click here to see her blog. Be sure to follow it! What's weird is that her and my other sister are trying to have a competition to see whose blog gets the most views in a week. You can also check out my other sister's blog (not about Animal Jam) by  clicking here

Well Jammers, I'd better run, I have to make a blog header for Aurochs. 