Welcome To Animal Jam Clouds by Cryptide! Here you will find many updates and glitches and anything else you need to know! Comment often and keep it positive! Thanks! :)~Cryptide

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Authors Needed!

Hey, Jammers!

I really need some authors because in a couple of weeks I will have no time for AJ or blogging because I have school! I will be hiring 1-2 authors, but you must have an AJ blog and be able to take clear screenshots and know how to crop them. 

And please do not talk like this:

"hay, jammerz! U  tots need to c the new item on aj! its like omg! mmk brb i need a coke. back! ok so..."

That's just awkward for all of us! 
If you want to be an author, comment and I will check out your blog and ask for your e-mail. Or e-mail me at cryptideclaw@gmail.com

Happy Jamming!


  1. Could I? My e-mail is ButterflySEC7@aol.com

    1. I'll have to wait and see if anyone else wants to be an author, same with piplup ;)

  2. Ok maybe I overreacted about the talking part xP

  3. I'd like to be an author, my user is Piplup131415 and my email is Dreamcatcherwolf@cox.net.

  4. batcrocrocks@hotmail.com <-- my emial username
    ^ above batcrocrocks email. yugio123 it is. i will not be like that..
